​JBS USA, Marshalltown, IA

New 1.8 MGD Wastewater Pretreatment System

We were the Prime Engineer that was selected to design a new Single Stage Activated Sludge Pretreatment System that reduced BOD, TSS and Total Nitrogen prior to discharge to the City POTW.

  • New Anaerobic Lagoon effluent flow meter
  • Influent Pump Station
  • Aerobic Reactor #1 with jet aeration and mixing equipment
  • Final Clarifier and Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Pump Station
  • Chemical Feed Systems
  • New Wastewater Equipment Building for the enclosure of the Jet Pumps, Air Supply Blowers, RAS and WAS Pump Stations, Chemical Storage and Feed Equipment, electrical room and new lab/office
  • Belt Filter Press Sludge Dewatering System