We were the Prime Engineer for the Design Build Wastewater Treatment Upgrade and Expansion Project for Caroline County Polecat Creek Regional WWTP through the Unsolicited PPEA (Public Private Partnership) process. The existing wastewater treatment plant was expanded form 0.5 MGD to 1.5 MGD and upgraded to provide Enhanced Nutrient Removal effluent limits of Total Nitrogen = 3.0 gm/l and Total Phosphorus = 0.3 mg/l. We utilize design practices that significantly reduced cost for the rural Virginia community. The new 5 Stage (Enhanced Nutrient Removal) Bardenpho Parkson EquaReact system integrated equalization and first stage treatment which eliminated the need for a costly standalone equalization tank and pumping system that would only be used during peak flow events. This unique and cost effective system not only saved the County millions of dollars it also allowed equalization to be an integral part of the treatment system reducing downstream reactor sizing, ability to treat higher flows, reduce chemical costs and streamline operations on a daily basis.
We, along with the Design Build Team, saved the County over 10+ million dollars based on a previous design and estimate by others. The County could not afford the project and after it was denied stimulus funds decided to entertain our Value Engineered Design through the Public Private Design Build approach.
The system components were as follows: